Sunday, July 1, 2012

Alsatian food 6/30-7/1

2% alcohol sweet cider with salmon baguette and roast beef baguette from a deli. Pile of meat on sauerkraut (choucroute aged cinq viandes)- an Alsacienne specialty I that is tastier than it looks, but really way more meat than I care for. Salad with chèvre and sesame toasts. Tarte italienne (open faced tomato and mozz sandwich) at a cafe in Obernai. Pie/Tarte things- fromage blanc, red berries, and rhubarb- that's hard meringue in puffs on top. This picture does not do justice to the chicken fricasee with Riesling cream sauce and side of spaetzel I had for dinner.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

That looks great. I am sure you need to energy to keep on riding.